The Customer Service Indicator Assessment focuses on whether the test taker will engage in behaviors that enhance a customer's experience and satisfaction. This assessment can be used across industries.
The Performance Indicator Assessment: CS, Engagement, Retention measures whether the test taker will engage in behaviors that enhance a customer's experience and satisfaction; is consistently involved during the job in a physically, cognitively, and/or emotionally active manner; and/or the likeli...
The Performance Indicator Assessment: CS, Engagement, Sales, Teamwork measures whether the test taker will engage in behaviors that enhance a customer's experience and satisfaction; is consistently involved during the job in a physically, cognitively, and/or emotionally active manner; engage in b...
The Performance Indicator Assessment: CS, Engagement, Teamwork measures whether the test taker will engage in behaviors that enhance a customer's experience and satisfaction; is consistently involved during the job in a physically, cognitively, and/or emotionally active manner; and/or propensity ...
The Performance Indicator Assessment: Customer Service and Teamwork measures whether the test taker will engage in behaviors that enhance a customer's experience and satisfaction and the propensity to be cooperative and want to work with others in the workplace. This assessment can be used across...
The Performance Indicator Assessment: Customer Service, Retention, Sales measures whether the test taker will engage in behaviors that enhance a customer's experience and satisfaction; is likely to stay with an organization; and/or engages in behaviors that lead to successful sales performance. T...