Important: All assessment credits purchased after 02/15/2025 will expire 60 days after purchase. Important: All assessment credits purchased after 02/15/2025 will expire 60 days after purchase.

2022 Skills Outlook

The World Economic Forum reports that by 2022 the skills required to perform most jobs will have shifted dramatically.

Skills growing in prominence include analytical thinking and active learning, as well as skills such as technology design, highlighting the growing demand for various forms of technology competency.

Get ahead by testing your skills in these growth areas with the following TAP assessments.

 Skill Assessments
Analytical thinking and innovation Analytical Skills
Active learning and learning strategies Learning Styles Questionnaire
Creativity, originality and initiative Motivation Questionnaire
Technology design and programming

Agile Software Development

Software Testing

Software Quality Assurance

Programming Concepts


Java SE 8 / Java EE 8

Data Architecture

Cloud Computing Core Concepts

Critical thinking and analysis

Complex problem-solving

Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation

Logical Reasoning

Logical Reasoning - Deduction

Logical Reasoning - Decision Making

Logical Reasoning - Drawing Conclusions

Numerical Reasoning

Verbal Reasoning

Leadership and social influence

Emotional intelligence

Leadership Preference

Systems analysis and evaluation

Business Systems Analyst


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