Providing access to proven assessments has never been easier.  Talevation Online provides access to hundreds of assessments.

Purchased assessments are completely digital.  After you complete your order, we'll provide access to our Talevation Online app so that you can assess a candidate or self-assess yourself.  A PDF report with assessment results will be available shortly after completion.

For more details, click the Help widget after login.

Purchase FAQ

Can I re-use an assessment?

No. Assessments are digitally scored and single-use per candidate.

What if I need more assessments?

All purchasing is done through  Currently, we don't have "in-app" ordering.  Once you've run out of assessments, simply return to and checkout.  We'll increment your account with the newly added assessments.

How do you know my purchases?

Upon checkout, we'll ask you for an email address.  This is an important step.  When you access the application, we'll ask you to login or signup.  You must use the email address used during checkout.  All purchases are linked to the checkout email address in the app.

What if someone else in my company needs assessments?

If someone else needs to order assessments, he or she can checkout using his or her email address.  This process essentially creates a new account that is his or hers.  All assessments and results will reside in this new user's account.

What if I ordered the wrong assessments or amount?

We can issue refunds.  We've also taken steps to allow you to delete a candidate's session, and we allow you to re-assign a purchased assessment.  So if you have more than you need today, you can keep it until the assessments are ready to be used.

Can I get a receipt?

Yes, and you should receive one immediately after checkout.  If you did not, it's often because it went to your spam or junk folder or your email service provider is blocking emails from our e-commerce provider.  Orders and links to receipts can be found on the overview tab in the app.


Assessment FAQ

    What if I don't see the Create Assessment button?

    This means that the app doesn't recognize that you've made a purchase.  Confirm your login email address exactly matches the email used during checkout.  Try logging out and logging in using the button at the top right.  If that doesn't correct the problem, there could be a slight delay from the checkout to app flow.  Wait a moment and if the problem persists, simply use the Help widget in the app to contact support.

    Can I email candidates links to assessments?

    Yes you can, but it's not required.  Creating an assessment requires a candidate's email address.  The candidate must register and login with this same email address.  So candidate's really only need to login to the application.  If you'd like to email candidates to let them know assessments are ready, an invitation option can be used when creating assessments.  Status of invitations will be displayed on the overview page.

    Can I see whether a candidate has started a session?

    Yes.  Assessments can be in four stages: Not Started, In-Progress, Completed, and Expired. As assessments move through these stages, they will be updated in real time.

    What do I do if a candidate fails to complete the session?

    If a candidate never starts a session, simply cancel it.  You can use the cancel action to remove the session.  Doing so will automatically increment your account so you can re-use the purchased assessment.  Alas, assessments that a candidate begins but does not finish can not be cancelled.

    Results FAQ

    Where are the results?

    Once a candidate completes a session, it will show as completed.  As an assessment purchaser, you will always have access to results and detailed reports by selecting completed assessments from the table.

    How do I provide others access to results?

    You can use the Reports action to download available PDF reports to your computer.  You can then share these with others that need to review results.  We do not provide public or anonymous access to candidate results.

    What happens if I believe an incorrect answer is actually correct?

    We provide assessments that are used by thousands of companies worldwide.  While infrequent, there are times that an answer needs to be verified.  This can occur on simulation tests where a candidate may use a shortcut that is valid; however, simulations often expect the most efficient answer.  If you have questions, please open a ticket using the in-app Help widget. List the incorrect question(s) with answer(s) and steps used to complete (simulation only).