Assembly and Matching Assessment


Assembly and Matching Assessment

Skills Assessment

This test for Assembly and Matching covers such skill sets as knowing the use of specific tools, assembling products, matching geometrical figures, as well as determining the knowledge of the tools or machinery to be used in a given job. This assessment also covers general areas of knowledge such as identifying different parts of industrial machinery and naming tools. It is appropriate to administer this test to anyone looking for a position in the industrial field.

Assessments for Finish Carpentry as well as General Maintenance are also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 40
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Matching
Assembly and Matching
Tasks Tested Matching Tools or Equipment with Similar Characteristics
Matching a Tool with the Device
Identifying Shapes
Matching Tool Functions
Matching Geometric Shapes with their Correct Description
Matching the Correct Tool to the Proper Table
Matching Parts with their Correct Description
Matching Tools or Equipment with their Accessories
Identifying Hardware used in Assemblies
Assembling a Blade onto a Power Saw
Identifying Correct Tools
Selecting the Proper Tool or Instrument to use when Assembling Hardware
Matching the Fastener with the Tool
Assembling a Tubing Connection
Selecting the Proper Tool to use for Installing Electrical Connectors
Matching Associated Parts used in Assembling a TV-stand Door
Identifying a Part's Function in Assembly
Understanding Appliance Assembly
Installing a Proper Fuse in an Electrical Circuit
Understanding how Cabinet Locks are Assembled
Identifying Properly Assembled Tools and Equipment
Identifying Parts used in Assembly
Identifying the Function of Hardware
Assembling a Shut-off Valve to a Water Pipe
Understanding Basic Refrigerator Assembly
Installing a Power Cord
Understanding the Tools used in Assembly
Assembling a Gearbox
Assembling a Barbecue Pit
Identifying Tools used in Assembly
Understanding Assembly Drawings
Mounting a Table Leg onto a Table
Following Assembly Instructions
Matching Parts to be Assembled
Matching Parts that are Associated with Each Other