Bloodborne Pathogens - Infection Control Assessment


Bloodborne Pathogens - Infection Control Assessment

Skills Assessment

This test covers the various details regarding OSHA's Bloodborne Pathogens Standard Title 29 CFR 1910.1030. It reviews information and steps necessary to protect workers whose jobs put them at a reasonable risk of coming into contact with blood and other potentially infectious materials (OPIM). This test applies to all employees whom may be exposed to blood or OPIM as part of their job duties.

Tests for Healthcare Industry Terminology, Medical Assistant, and Registered Nurse are also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 40
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Exposure
Work Practice
Waste Management
Tasks Tested Background Information
Protecting Yourself - Exposure
Protecting Yourself - HBV vaccine
Protecting Yourself - Hand Cleaning
Bloodborne Pathogen Entry
Protecting Yourself - PPE
Protecting Yourself
Procedures - Responsibility of the Employer
Procedures - Emptying a Sharps Container
Laboratory Test
OSHA's Bloodborne Pathogen Standard Requirements
Protecting Yourself - Exposure to Blood
Communication - HIV
Communication - Universal BIOHAZARD Symbol
Procedures - Protect Workers
Protecting Yourself - Prevent Contamination
Communication - HIV and HBV
Communication - Training
Communication - Potentially Infectious Material
Procedures - Biohazard
Procedures - Contaminated Needles or Sharps
Procedures - Bodily Fluids
Transporting Sharps Containers
Procedures - Labels
Blood Spills
Housekeeping - Broken and Contaminated Glass
Discarding Needles
Housekeeping - Contaminated Laundry
Procedures - Destroying Bloodborne Pathogen Waste
Procedures - Prevent Puncturing or Leaking
Infectious Waste