Color Identification Assessment


Color Identification Assessment

Skills Assessment

This Color Identification test covers knowledge of various color-related rules, procedures, codes, standards and practices associated with the electrical industry including the industrial, commercial, and residential arenas. The test is appropriate for test takers who are currently working, or plan on working, in any position in the electrical industry including the distribution and installation of electrical systems. The test's topical areas include the identification of various electrical components such as conductors, devices, hardware, tools and accessories, as well as the wiring methods used in the industry.

Tests for Basic Electronics, Electricians and Electronic Schematics are also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 40
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Conductors
Hardware, Tools, and Accessories
Wiring Methods
Tasks Tested Three Phase Motor Circuit Conductors
Grounding Conductor
Lead Wires on Electric Space Heating Cables
Grounded Conductor
Delta-Connected High Leg
Ungrounded Conductors
Terminals on a Receptacle
Blown Fuses
Emergency Power Receptacles
Three-way Light Switch
Isolated Ground Receptacles
Grounding Screw
Hospital-Grade Receptacles
Wiring Smoke Detectors
Identifying the Type of HID Lamp by the Color of Light Emitted
Identifying Wire Nuts
Selecting Charges for a Hilti® Powder-Actuated Fastening Tool
Selecting the Proper Voltage-Rated Glove
Identifying PVC Conduit
Identifying Incandescent Lamps
Understanding the Four-Band Color Code System for Resistors
Selecting Switch Buttons
Identifying Crimp-Type Connectors
Selecting the Correct Color of Wire Nut
Selecting Cable Ties
Usage of a High-Leg Phase Conductor
Means of Identifying Grounded Conductors
Use of White Conductor
Usage of Ungrounded Conductors
Terminating the High-Leg
Indicating Buried Electrical Conduits or Duct Systems
Connecting Colored Conductors
Identifying Conductors in a Flexible Cord