Electricians Assessment


Electricians Assessment

Skills Assessment

The Electricians test covers all areas of industrial electrical installations and repair. There are some basic questions that require common sense, however the vast majority of questions are technical in nature. This test is appropriate to administer to anyone who is to function as an electrician.

Tests for Electronic Schematics and Basic Electronics are also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 60
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Electrical
Tasks Tested Voltage drop
Branch circuit percent rating
Receptacle choice
Grounding screw identification
NM cable securing
Conductors in parallel
Tool choice
Burial depth
Transformer voltage
Circuit breaker tripping
Adding a circuit
Grounding electrode length
Motor fuse selection
Phase converter identification
Conduit length
Voltage in a circuit
Conduit nipple fill
Motor torque
Welding duty cycle
Receptacle selection
Definition of transformer vault.
Wire replacement
Fire in Power Panel
GFCI protection
Switch choice
Fixture choice
Terminal identification
Wire connection
Circuit breaker choice
Floating building connection
Equipment mounting
Emergency power testing
Cable clamp
Fastening distance EMT
Transformer high leg identification
First make - last break identification
Resistance in parallel
Conductor identification
Minimum trade size Flex
Branch circuit breaker load
3 phase motor problem
wire size
Flexible metal conduit length
Temporary wiring height
Cable identification
Ladder choice
Circuit breaker replacement
3 PH motor wiring.
Motor wattage
Service drop height
Isolated ground receptacle
Lighting repair
Conduit degrees
Square inch area
Volt Amp receptacle load
Electrical fire safety
Cover on junction box