HBV - Infection Control/Vaccination Assessment


HBV - Infection Control/Vaccination Assessment

Skills Assessment

This HBV - Infection Control/Vaccination test assesses the knowledge of a healthcare professional concerning the hepatitis B virus. This assessment covers topics such as transmission and exposure, vaccination, prevention, and safety. This test is appropriate to administer to test takers who will potentially be exposed to HBV or a situation where having an understanding of HBV is required.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 37
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Transmission and Exposure
Tasks Tested Medication to Reduce Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B Liver Disease Treatment
Symptom Timing
ER Patient with HBV
Positive Test Result
HBV Increased Risk
HBV Bodily Fluids
Approved Hepatitis B Treatments
HBV Survival Outside Body
Adult HBV Treatment
HBV Transmission
Added Risk of HBV
Group at Risk for Chronic HBV
Age Group Severity
Vaccination Side Effect
Bleach and Water
Mother Passing Hepatitis B to Infant
Decrease Risk of Blood Transfusion HBV
Protective Barriers
Age for Hepatitis Vaccine
Tattoos and HBV
Vaccination Site
HBV Affected Organs
Acute to Chronic HBV
Licensed Vaccines
Avoiding Sexually Transmitted HBV
Hospital Staff Preventative Vaccination
Series of Vaccinations for Newborns
Poor Response to Antibodies
Age and Poor Vaccination Response
Most Commonly HBV Infected
Fecal Hepatitis
Vaccination Intervals
Plasma Donation
Avoid Vaccination
Single-Antigen Vaccines