Masonry Assessment


Masonry Assessment

Skills Assessment

This Masonry assessment is designed to verify the test taker's general knowledge of masonry. Topics covered on this assessment include terminology, concrete masonry units, construction techniques, on site work and safety, and tools usage. It is appropriate to administer this assessment to Masons with a year or more of on the job experience.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 48
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested On Site Work and Safety
Concrete Masonry Units
Construction Techniques
Tasks Tested Electric Cord Safety
Squared Walls
Masonry Section
Ladder Safety
Arch Top
Stucco Finish
Course of Brick
Cultured Stone
Tumbled Brick
Mortar Joint
Weep Hole
Cost Effective Installation
Keeping Courses Level
Mason Tools
Tool for Butter Joints
Cleaning a Joint
Estimating the Quantity of Wall Block
Block Insulation
Red Brick Measurements
CMU Rectangular Openings
Brick Patterns
Cement Block Size
Bond Beam
Mixing Mortar
Split Face Block
Tensile Strength of CMU
Reason to use a Particular Joint
High Wall Construction
Air Space Around a Wall and Lateral Force
Basic Fireplace Construction
CMUs and Concrete Foundation
Pilaster and Buttress
Dry Stone Technique
Tilt-Up Panel
Stiff Mix
Brick Veneer Wall
Interpreting Blueprint Nomenclature
Extended Exterior Wall
Type M Mortar
Mason Hammer to Cut Brick
Beaded Mortar Joint
Repoint Brick
Waterproof Treatment