Medical Billing (CMS-1500) Assessment


Medical Billing (CMS-1500) Assessment

Skills Assessment

This is a test that covers several different areas of CMS form knowledge, HIPAA, billing terminology, billing procedures, and collections. The questions are meant to generally apply to any office, hospital, or facility environment.This assessment is appropriate to administer to a test takers from a few months to several years experience. The CMS-1500 form is not required to complete this test, but that is up to the discretion of the test administrator.

Tests for Medical Billing - Hospital (UB-92), Medical Claims Processing, and Medical Billing Knowledge are also available.


What Am I Buying?
When you purchase an assessment with Talevation, you will receive a credit for our online assessment portal. To access your purchase, you must head to our Login page found in the top right corner. There, you may redeem your credit and generate a link which will be sent to the candidate of your choosing.

How does it work?
Total Questions 40
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Abbreviations and Terminology
Form Knowledge
Billing Knowledge
Patient Privacy
Receiving Payments
Tasks Tested HCPCS
Open Carrier
Box 17
Procedures, Services, or Supplies
Box 9
Box 21
Box 1
Box 27
CPT Code
Medical Note Information
Patient's Demographics
CMS Form Through EDI
PPO Plan Referral
Submitting Electronic Claim
Tertiary Insurance
Procedure Code and Modifier
Checking a Patient's Benefits and Eligibility
Preferred Method for Submitting Claim
ICD-10 Code
Billing Insurance Immediately
Information for Releasing Medical Records
Keeping Medical Records
Patient Information Over the Phone
Collecting a Patient's Deductible
Collecting a Patient's Copay
Primary and Secondary Insurance
Billing Patient
Reduced Payment from Insurance
Proper Collection Procedure
Owing Percentage of Allowed Amount