Numeric Proofreading Assessment


Numeric Proofreading Assessment

Skills Assessment

The Numeric Proofreading test is structured as a spreadsheet containing numeric data to which questions are aimed. Such skills tested include, but are not limited to, identifying numeric data errors, correlating numeric data with alpha-numeric data, verifying accuracy and making corrections, as well as referencing numeric information. It is recommended that the test-taker is provided a pencil and paper and the test administrator note the time required for test completion.

Tests for Proofreader's Marks and Corrective Proofreading are also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 30
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Identifying Errors
Correlating Errors
Verifying Accuracy and Making Corrections
Identifying Correct Entries
Identifying Information Using Dates
Referencing Numeric Information
Calculating Errors
Tasks Tested Identifying Errors
Identifying Errors Within a Determined Month
Correlating Numeric Errors with Alpha-Numeric Information
Verifying Accuracy and Making Corrections
Identifying Correct Entries
Identifying Information Using Dates
Referencing Numeric Information
Calculating the Number of Errors per Determined Month