Office Management Skills Assessment


Office Management Skills Assessment

Skills Assessment

This test is aimed at assessing the skill level of an employee or potential employee in the understanding and implementation of office management logistics. The questions herein address scenarios that are found daily in an office environment. Office Managers with more than a year of experience should be able to recognize these routine office questions. Among the issues that are included are Office Ethics, Office Maintenance, Security, Troubleshooting Equipment and Planning and Organizational Skills.

Tests for Human Resources Benefits Knowledge, Interviewing & Hiring Concepts and Human Resources Basics are also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 47
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Facility Management
Office Equipment
Office Supplies
Supervision and H/R
Organizational Skills
Tasks Tested Security - Key Control
Planning and Organizational Skills
Security - Alarm
Relocating Office
Office Maintenance
Security - Key Duties
Initiative - Server Down
Long Distance - New Plan
Equipment Use - New Printer
Telephone Systems - Growing Needs
Troubleshooting Equipment - Printer Problems
Recruitment - Office Assistant
Employee Conflict - Loud Radio
Telephone - Long Call
Employee Conflict - Undue Credit
Customer Care - Irate Customer
Judgment - Threatening Co-worker
Interpreting Company Policies - Document Format
Employee Conflict - Personal Calls
Good Business Judgment - Budget Constraints
Employee Conflict - Filing Systems
Office Ethics - Restaurant
Postage - Urgent
Choosing a Vendor
Initiative - Out of Office Supplies
Postage - Fast and Inexpensive
Ordering Office Supplies - Incorrect Invoice
Office Policy - Revealing Clothes
Workers Compensation Administration - Monitor Fall
Employee Interaction - Lurid Date
Recruitment - Personal Phone Calls
Recruitment - Late Assistant
Office Ethics - Lunch Date
Office Ethics - Overheard Information
Office Ethics - Dire Finances
Office Ethics - Confidential Files
Office Ethics - Sharing Files
Recruitment - Faxed Salaries
Initiative - Travel Arrangements
Good Judgment - First Class
Good Judgment - Family Emergency
Initiative - Travel Timing
Organizational Skills - Software Box
Budgeting - Budget Cut
Good Judgment - Stay Late
Prioritizing - Two Tasks
Prioritizing - Priority Number