Payroll Assessment


Payroll Assessment

Skills Assessment

This test, for payroll specialists, is aimed at testing people with one or two years experience in payroll knowledge. The test aims at determining whether the test taker knows the principles of payroll such as wages calculation, the different pay periods, payroll deductions, including Statutory and Voluntary deductions, different methods of payments, tax depositing and how and when to file the reports including year end reporting.

The Payroll test was designed to identify the extent of payroll knowledge sufficient to perform in a professional manner the payroll process from collecting employee's hours to filling quarterly and yearly payroll and taxes reports.

Tests are also available for Bookkeeping - Professional, General Accounting and Payroll Management.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 39
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Calculating Wages
Payroll Deductions
Statutory Deductions
Methods of Payments
Tax Depositing and Filing
Year-End Reporting
Tasks Tested Calculate Earnings
Hourly Rates
Pay Period
Pay Periods
Hourly Rate
Overtime Rate
Regular Hours
Supplemental Wages
Hourly and Overtime Pay
Government Forms
Regular Earnings
Fixed and Variable
Tax Deductions
Deduction Types
Voluntary Deductions
Payroll Taxes
Medicare Tax
Income Tax
Disposable Pay
Pay Statements
Tax Deposits
Tax Forms
Tax Deposit System
Tax Deposit
Reporting Forms
W-2 Information