Proofreader Marks Assessment


Proofreader Marks Assessment

Skills Assessment

The Proofreader Marks test is suited for entry-level proofreading and copyediting positions. It consists of questions that focus on identification of proofreading marks as well as passages followed by a series of questions. This section requires individuals to apply their knowledge of proofreading marks to actual material.

Tests for Business Writing, Office Grammar & Spelling, and Punctuation, as well as Free Writing Sample Scenarios, are also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 32
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Operational Marks
Typographical Marks
Operational and Typographical Marks
Tasks Tested Correct Item 4
Correct Item 2
Correct Item 5
Transpose Word
Equalize Spacing
Correct Item 1
Insert Letter Space
Correct Item 3
Insert Parenthesis
Insert Exclamation Point
New Paragraph
Analyze Item 6
Textual Correction vs. Commentary
Insert Period
Indent Text
Set Font Type
Upper vs. Lower Case
Set Font Case
Correct Item 6