Vocabulary - Homonym Usage Assessment


Vocabulary - Homonym Usage Assessment

Skills Assessment

The Vocabulary - Homonym Usage assessment measures the skill level of the test taker in determining the differences among those words that sound alike but are spelled differently and possess distinct meanings.

This test is appropriate to administer to those that will be required to conduct any communications through the written word.  This may include the use of email, letter writing, taking of minutes, writing of reports, and the myriad of written correspondences employed in the work environment.

Assessments for Vocabulary, Writing Samples, and Business Writing are also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 39
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Homonym Punctuation
The Homonym In Context
Homonym Comparisons
Multiple Homonym Usage
Homonym Definitions
Tasks Tested Their - There - They're
It's - Its
He'll - Heal - Heel
Who's - Whose
He'd - Head - Heed
Aisle - I'll - Isle
Threw - Through - Thru
Hew - Hue - Hugh
Manner - Manor
Heroin - Heroine
Heard - Herd
Affected - Effected
Aught - Ought
Ascent - Assent
Warrantee - Warranty
Higher - Hire
Mall  - Maul - Moll
Buy - By - Bye
Discreet - Discrete
Sew - So
Marshal - Martial
One - Won
Seam - Seem
Scene - Seen
To - Too - Two
Saver - Savor
Dual - Duel
Rude - Rued
Fair - Fare
Loan - Lone
Ware - Wear - Where
Sail - Sale
Knew - New
Fairy - Ferry
Timber - Timbre
Moan - Mown
Complementary - Complimentary
Moose - Mousse
Patience - Patients