BusinessObjects XI Release 2 Assessment


BusinessObjects XI Release 2 Assessment

Skills Assessment

This test has been designed to evaluate the fundamental understanding and familiarity of the test taker with BusinessObjects XI Release 2 at different levels. The assessment covers the fundamentals of BusinessObjects XI Release 2 as well as more advanced concepts for BusinessObjects Developers. Subjects include tables & joins, resolving loops, parameters, LOV, strategy, security, hierarchy, and functions.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 42
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Designer Basic
Tables & Join
Resolving Loops
Tasks Tested Universe Development Cycle
Knowledge About Classes
Exporting and Saving
Metadata Sources
WEBi Feature
Invalid Object Types
Built-in Variables
Universe File System Saved Changes
Check Integrity
Setting Universe Parameters
Universe Parameters
Restrict Cartesian Products
System Resource
Dynamic SQL Parameters
Connection Parameters
Resource Controls
Universe Sharing
Default Hierarchy
Strategy Definition
Connection Element
Universe Security
Aggregate Awareness
Join Strategy
Dense Rank Function
Structure Pane
Query Not Returning Values
Manually Defined Join
Derived Tables
Index Awareness
Table Joins
Theta Join
Contexts in a Schema
Running Query Types
Resolving Loops
Fan Trap
List Name
Web Intelligence
Cascading LOV