ColdFusion Scripting and Development Assessment


ColdFusion Scripting and Development Assessment

Skills Assessment

This ColdFusion Scripting and Development test evaluates a ColdFusion Developer's general knowledge of ColdFusion. The questions address CFML skills that arise daily, as well as ColdFusion Administration issues that come up only occasionally. Specifically, the test covers CFML, CF Server Admin, data manipulation, interacting with protocols, and CF scripting. The test is aimed at developers that have worked with ColdFusion for a minimum of two years and is based on ColdFusion 8.

Tests for ColdFusion MX 7 and Adobe ColdFusion 8 are also available.


What Am I Buying?
When you purchase an assessment with Talevation, you will receive a credit for our online assessment portal. To access your purchase, you must head to our Login page found in the top right corner. There, you may redeem your credit and generate a link which will be sent to the candidate of your choosing.

How does it work?
Total Questions 35
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested General Overview
Data Manipulation
Interacting with Protocols
CF Server Admin
CF Scripting
Tasks Tested Installation and Configuration - Technology Support
ColdFusion Administrator
Installation and Configuration - OS Platform
ColdFusion Server Type
ColdFusion Basics
CFML Comments
CFML Variables
ColdFusion Form Tags
Variable Operations
SQL Query
COM Object
CGI Variables
C++ Custom Tag
Form Variables
Formatting Dates
Reversing Strings
ColdFusion Order of Precedent
Variable Type
Disabling CF Tags from the Admin Interface
Scheduling Tasks
Verity Indexing System
Sandbox Security
CF Scripting Loop
CF Scripting Comments
CF Scripting Statements - Break
CF Scripting Statements