Delphi 5 Assessment


Delphi 5 Assessment

Skills Assessment

Delphi is a powerful object oriented, visual development environment with tools for creating reusable components, connecting to databases and rapidly creating Windows applications. It is based on Borland's Object Pascal language. This programming test is geared for Delphi 5, and is appropriate to administer to programmers.

Tests for Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and Microsoft Windows Programming are also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 53
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Development
Tasks Tested Procedures vs. Functions
Watch List
Breakpoint Line
If x is Class then...
Assign Pointer to No Value
Protected Class Members
Inherited Keyword
Break Procedure
VCL Tabs
Form File Extension
Object Inspector Features
Keystroke Mapping
Auto Create List
Container Choice
OpenDialog Control
Control Supporting Formatted Text
Glyph Property
Tpersistant Class
VCL Components' Parent Class
Determining Selected Item
VCL Control Properties
Initializing a Component
Non-visual Components
Tdatabase Component
Field Objects
Displaying Data with Data Aware Components
Data Aware Components
Master-Detail Relationship
Data Access using SQL
Applying Changes Made to Records
Availability on the Palette
Report Creation Utility
Newly Supported Technology
Compiled Package Files
Active X Controls
Component Installation
Delphi Database Application Object
Analyze Code
Tforms KeyPreview
Write Procedure
Closing a Dialog Box
Reserved Words
Component Creation
Tquery.ExecSQL vs. Tquery.Open
Windows Device Context
Use of Resources with VCL Controls
Dataset States
Accessing the BDE