E Commerce Concepts: Deployment Assessment


E Commerce Concepts: Deployment Assessment

Skills Assessment

The E-Commerce Concepts: Deployment test strives to test a user's ability to design a strategy for deploying a "live" website. This test covers the common features of web hosting companies and how to choose between them. It also covers registration of a domain, activation in order that the world can find the user's site, testing of a domain previous to deployment as well as after the data has been transferred to the new site. Finally, the so-called best practices for web site deployment are addressed within the test.

Tests for E-Commerce Concepts: Architecture and Design, Web Commerce Security, and Web Design Mastery are also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 33
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Deployment
Tasks Tested Common Errors
Best Practices
Domain Name Transfers
Data Transfer From Development to Production
Choosing an ISP