Java Server Pages Assessment


Java Server Pages Assessment

Skills Assessment

The Java Server Pages test assesses skills associated with JSP General Programming, JSP Language Constructs, JSP Architectural Considerations, JSP Base Technology Knowledge - JSP Engine, and the ties JSP has to other technologies like JavaBeans and Databases. This test is appropriate for applicants with at least six months of experience with JSP.

Tests for Java 2, JavaScript and Java Swing are also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 39
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Introduction to JSP
Actions and Directives
Program Design Considerations
JSP Engine
Retrieving Information
Sending Information
Tasks Tested General Knowledge
JSP Output and Layout
Statement Syntax
JSP 1.1 Specification
Technology Basis
Plugin Action
Action Element Attributes
Element Types
Commenting JSP Code
Including External Resources
Using Implicit Objects
Declaring Variables and Methods
Interaction with External Resources
Implicit Out Object
Object Scope
Thread Safety
Persistent Objects
This Object
jspInit() Method
Request Object
JSP Lifecycle Methods
Request Headers
Request Object Metadata
BufferedReader Object
Response Object
Sessions Tracking
httpSession API
JavaBeans Design Conventions
JavaBeans Implementation
Database Connectivity