jQuery 1.7 Assessment


jQuery 1.7 Assessment

Skills Assessment

This jQuery 1.7 test aims to assess the test taker's skills in working with jQuery in relation to CSS and JavaScript. The test material covers topics including jQuery basics, understanding terms/coding, incorrect coding and coding errors, and interpreting code. This test is appropriate to administer to a test taker with beginner to intermediate knowledge of jQuery 1.7.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 38
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested jQuery Basics
Interpreting Code
Understanding Terms/Coding
Incorrect Coding and Coding Errors
Tasks Tested Fade Command
jQuery and JavaScript Speed
jQuery Selectors/Context
jQuery CSS Syntax
jQuery Wrapping Elements
jQuery File Extension
jQuery Parse
jQuery Handlers
jQuery Intro Coding
jQuery Basic Code Editing
jQuery Plugin Coding
jQuery ForceRedraw
jQuery JavaScript Mouseover
jQuery JavaScript Hide
jQuery Events
HTML Script - addClass
jQuery Code Wrap
jQuery End Result
jQuery CSS Coding
jQuery Basic Code Review
jQuery .
jQuery Animation Effect
jQuery Code .end()
jQuery #
jQuery Chaining
T/F Variable
jQuery JavaScript
jQuery Function Name
jQuery DOM Attribute
jQuery Statements
jQuery Missing Code
jQuery Code Editing
jQuery Selectors
jQuery CSS Element
jQuery Selector