Oracle Designer 2000 Assessment


Oracle Designer 2000 Assessment

Skills Assessment

Oracle Designer 2000 is a set of tools used in concert with the Oracle database system. It provides greater functionality to existing databases as well as allows for the design and implementation of new databases. This non-version specific test evaluates knowledge of the capacities of the design tool, as well as the implementation of such on both a theoretical level and practical level.

Tests for Oracle Developer 2000 and Oracle Financials 11 are also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 45
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested General
Logical Application Design
Physical Application Design
Physical Data Design
Logical Data Design
Tasks Tested Designer Component
CRUD Matrices
SAC Elements
Single vs. Multi User
Designer's Repository
Repository Object Navigator
Repository Reports
Designer's Composition
PAC Elements
Adding Multimedia
Matrix Diagrammer
Designer's Limitations
Atomic Function Definitions
Application Design Wizard
Elementary Function Definitions
Module Definitions
Fully Defined Modules
Forms Generator Input
Attaching Libraries
Module Logic Navigator
Modify Modules
Preferences Navigator
User Help Text
Module Structure Diagrammer
Reverse Engineering
Setting Preferences
Preferences Advantage
Default Links Utility
GUI Controls
Server Generator Input
Reconcile Repository
Generating Definitions
Code Control Property
Implementing Types
Creating Definitions
Translating Relationships
Domain Uses
Allowable Values
Entity Retrofit Utility
Creating Relationships
Unit Definitions