WebSphere MQ V5 Assessment


WebSphere MQ V5 Assessment

Skills Assessment

The WebSphere MQ V5 test poses real world questions in order to assess the skill level of the test taker in IBM WebSphere MQ. The test focuses on IBM WebSphere V5 features and usage. Specific topical areas include WebSphere MQ concepts, features, command usage, and real world problem solving.

This test is intended for those who have more than one year hands-on experience with IBM WebSphere MQ V5 on the WINDOWS platform.

An assessment for WebSphere 4.0 is also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 36
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested MQ Feature
MQ-JMS Concept
MQ Command Usage
MQ Practice
Tasks Tested Trace Files
MQ Triggering
Unsupported Protocols
Unsuccessful Message
Circular Logging
Command to Accept Inbound Start Channel
SSL Certificate Revocation Lists
Selective Encryption
Reserved Port Number
Queue Managers
MQ Mechanism for Sending Data
MQ Message Type
Message to Multiple Locations
Valid Queue Name
Firewall Between Queue Managers
Relationship Between Controlling and Client Queue Managers
Unspecified Transmission Queue
Defining Channels
MQ Concept
Value for DISCINT
Abnormal Shutdown
MQ Client Connection
JMS Administration Utility
SOAP Listener
Dead-Letter Queue Flags
Fast Message Processing
Parameter Value for TCP/IP
Run Channel Command
MQSC Commands
Defining Objects
MQ Problem Solving
Naming Object from Error Message
MQGET Failure
Benefiting Channel Performance